Anyway, summer vacation came, I came back to Istanbul from school, I went on a family tour as usual, I stopped by my uncles, my uncle was not at home , my aunt came let’s chat , your uncle said he would come in the evening and stay with us, I said I would, he was cooking in the kitchen, I was constantly watching his perfect thigh, there were white tights underneath and leopard print panties in whatever it was in the evening, my uncle came and we chatted, but it was obvious that he had no relationship with Decoy, he went on TV without even chatting.
When I said that I started a conversation with my Decoy, I asked if things were bad between them, he said that the room was a lemon, he tried to pass it off, when I became more insistent, he spilled, said that my uncle cheated on him and their sex life was terrible, but he couldn’t help it, when I said that I should, he said, “what would you do if it were you,” I said, “I would leave.”The room said, ”it’s not easy, coluk, there’s no money,“ I said, ”then I’d forget.” The room said, ”it’s not forgotten,“ so I said, ”then I would cheat, too, I would relax.”
My sister-in-law smiled at this and said, ” wow, that’s not a bad idea… but with whom ?” he looked me in the eye, saying.I said, ” not with everyone now, he threatens, he always wants, and anyone who sees him will promise,” ” it’s not easy,” I said. The room said, ”so he will be close to me, he will know my problem, I know someone who will help me with this, ” and he was constantly watching me, and then he came out with his hands from my legs to my crotch, I was speechless, I couldn’t say anything. Then he called out to my uncle, saying” “we’ll get into trouble with Ardunç, don’t bother us,” closed the kitchen door, locked it, and sat directly on my lap and stuck to my lips, it was almost like he had been waiting for this moment for years, I was exploiting him, stroking his big ass with my hands…
Suddenly he got up and said, ”that’s enough, ” I thought it was over, but my aunt was just starting, suddenly she went under the table and unzipped my pants, took my dick in her hand and took it straight to her mouth, sucked on the vacuum with the vacuum, left it at some point and smiled, saying” ” don’t cum again, we’ll continue, ” so I touched her shoulder to get up, took her straight to the counter, told her to break her waist, I caressed her white tights, stroked her, she stayed in front of me with leopard Decked panties, and I took my panties off to the side, I didn’t take them off, I took my dick and poured some oil on the counter and got into her pussy with a rush, she was going to say ”ihhhmmm” first, but she was biting her fingers, I was like a fool, both for fear of my uncle coming and with that gorgeous ass hitting my crotch.
I fucked my food like this for a while, then I put her on a chair and I took her tiny feet in my hands, I started rubbing them against my dick, she had black nail polish on her fingers, she was having foot sex like a bitch, I couldn’t take it anymore and I started ejaculating on her feet, my aunt was smiling, got up and cleaned her feet with a cloth, then she pulled up her tights and sat down next to me, lit an orgasm sign, looked into my eyes and laughed, saying, ”it felt very good,” ”but I haven’t relaxed yet.”
5年前、私は22歳でした、私の兵役はちょうど終わったばかりでした。 私は仕事を得るまで、食料品店でママとパパを助けていました。 それは全国的ではありませんでした、私はまだ猫を味わっていません。 私は文字通り私のペニスに私の手で歩き回っていました。 私は食料品店に違った方法で来た近隣の女性と女の子を見ていました。 私は内気で内向的な人なので、私の友人が国民だった間、私は31昼と夜を撮影していました。 これにより、私はより撤回され、私の精神的健康に悪影響を及ぼしました。 だから私の母は私を占い、魔法の作品で自分自身の名前を作った老婆の家に連れて行ってくれました。 女性は私を読んで、私を吹き飛ばし、弾丸を注いだ。 それから女性は何も言わずに私を部屋から連れ出しました。 しかし、彼らは私の母と一緒に数分間中にとどまりました。 母が部屋を出ると、顔が紅潮しているように見えました。 「お母さん、女性は何と言いましたか?「私は何度か尋ねましたが、母は私に答えるのではなく私の質問をファッジしました。 その日以来、私は両親と母の間で多くの欺瞞を目撃してきました。 彼らが私に気付くとすぐに、彼らは話すのをやめたり、主題を変えたりしました。…
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ポストオーガズム編集 私の妻は完全な災害でした 読者の皆さん、私は前に秘書と思い出を書いたのですが、今は 私は私の妻と私の思い出を共有します、私はあなたが喜んでそれを読むことを願っています。 I 仕事に圧倒され、妻は家事に圧倒されました。 私たちは夕方に話しました、私の愛、私は言った、私たちは私の愛と一人で休暇に行くべきです、私の愛はすぐにそれが次の日の季節の冬であるので、私はアンタルヤを選びました、それは大丈夫だと言いました リラックスする。 私はそれを作りました。 私たちは彼女の祖母と一緒に子供たちを残し、アンタルヤに行きました。 私たちは私たちのホテルに定住し、休んだ、と 夕方に買い物に行きました。 私たちはsexsiを買った 下着、水着、妻のための服、ホテルに戻りました。 私たちは夕食を食べました,…